In a course I am in with Sarah Allred, Brooke Snow taught the Abundance Cycle which is in contrast to the Pride Cycle in the Book of Mormon. I have shared it 3 times since learning it this week and wished there was a picture to share so I made one. How much we need this in our lives!! When we open the door to God, we can receive of the abundance he wants to give us. Then when we show gratitude and give out of that abundance we can receive more. Again and again. I have seen this as I've practiced it this week. He is a God of Abundance. He has so much he is wanting to give us.
I see it can apply to revelation, blessings, spiritual gifts, and even our relationships with each other as we are open to the people in our lives, receive from them, acknowledge and give thanks and then give in return. It's probably better to start with giving in this cycle but this demonstrates how they relate:
Brooke taught that pride at any point in the cycle will take us out of the Abundance Cycle.
Here's a few ideas of how this could look in relationships: