Sunday, June 23, 2013

Family History- Where do I start?

In Stake Conference today I learned the best way to determine what work needs done in your personal family history.  Hopefully you already know this trick, if not, let me share it with you!!

  • Set up a family search account at  You can also use an LDS log-in to access family search.  
  • Go to, log in, and then look for a missing line.  If there is not a name in each place, there is work needing done and people needing found.  
  • Then you can go back to family search and enter what information you have for deceased ancestors.  Unfortunately, you have to fill in info for the living to get the line to open up for the deceased.  

People are working on creating an index of records, which will allow you to place individuals to a family or a time.  This works just like an index in a yearbook, allowing you to search for the name of your ancestor and see if there are any records available.  If there are, you can click and it will open the page where their name is mentioned.

IF there isn't much work needing done, you can also add photos, stories, and other personal information about relatives, making them a real person for yourself and your posterity.  There are no photos or stories for any of my ancestors on there yet, so I have a lot I can do.

The Lord is interested in this work and He will help you.  Angels are on the earth helping with this work continually.  

If you have any questions about family history or what you can do, feel free to ask.  I can at least find out for you or point you in the right direction.

Secretariat, Lengthen Your Stride

Secretariat was an American Thoroughbred racehorse that in 1973 became the first U.S. Triple Crown champion in 25 years. He set race records in all three events in the Series – the Kentucky Derby (1:59 2/5), the Preakness Stakes (1:53), and the Belmont Stakes (2:24) – records that still stand today. He won the Belmont Stakes by 31 lengths (breaking the margin-of-victory record set by Triple Crown winner Count Fleet in 1943, who won by 25 lengths). -Wikipedia

Since then, the Belmont Stakes has been analyzed and it was determined that Secretariat and the second place horse both took the same number of strides.  Amazing considering Secretariat won by 31 lengths.  So how is this possible?  A few inches with each stride.  

We need to lengthen our stride.  By eliminating or lessening our distractions, we can do more with the same amount of time.  

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Formula for Faith Unto Salvation = PRO- Pray, Read, Obey. See how it works.

Simple lessons from Lectures on Faith

One of my Stake Leaders pointed out a simple formula tonight for the faith necessary to lead one to life and salvation as defined in the Lectures on Faith from Joseph Smith.

For a rational and intelligent being to exercise faith unto salvation = 1. Know God exists, 2. Correct understanding of who He is/what He is like, 3. Knowledge that your life is in accordance with His will 

The Formula is PRO- Pray, Read, Obey

1. Pray- There is no better way to learn and know that God exists. He hears and answers our prayers thus giving us evidence of His existence and His involvement in our lives.

2. Read- Through reading the scriptures with the companionship of the Holy Ghost, we gain a correct understanding of who He is and what He is like. This is our greatest source of this knowledge besides learning directly from the Spirit or seeing His involvement in our own lives. Seeing how He interacts with those in the scriptures also helps us recognize His involvement in our own lives.

3. Obey- The best way to know your life is in accordance with His will is to try to obey Him.

What I also find interesting in the formula [exercise faith unto salvation = 1. Know God exists, 2. Correct understanding of who He is/what He is like, 3. Knowledge that your life is in accordance with His will] is that when 1, 2, or 3 is lacking, we will struggle in exercising our faith unto salvation. The endure to the end part will become difficult. We will begin to struggle in the basics.

Our trials can make us struggle with 1 or 2. Not doing the basics will make us struggle with 2 and 3. Our testimony and understanding doesn't stay stagnant for long, it is increasing or decreasing depending on our actions. And when we struggle with 3, we often try to forget He exists or determine Him to be unjust or an angry god.

3 seems to be the tricky one here. As members of the church, we often feel that we could be doing more and thus we are not doing enough therefore our lives aren't in accordance with His will. His gospel is one of peace and love, not fear and guilt. That's where the reading and praying come in. If we are feeling the influence of the Spirit in our lives, we can feel His love and approval. If you're struggling with 3, try to live right and then pray. Tell God about it and then be still for a while. You'll feel His approval.

If you want to see where I came up with the formulas, you can read below. 

Lecture One Faith -> Action; Faith = Power
"Faith is the moving cause of all action in temporal concerns, so it is in spiritual. 13. But faith is not only the principle of action, but it is also the principle of power in all intelligent beings, whether in heaven or on earth. 15. The principle of power which existed in the bosom of God, by which he framed the worlds, was faith."

Lecture Two Knowledge of God (His character and glory) = Diligence and Faithfulness in seeking after Him
"Let us here observe that after any members of the human family are made acquainted with the important fact that there is a God who has created and does uphold all things, the extent of their knowledge respecting his character and glory will depend upon their diligence and faithfulness in seeking after him, until, like Enoch, the brother of Jared, and Moses, they shall obtain faith in God and power with him to behold him face to face."

Lecture Three For a rational and intelligent being to exercise faith = Know God exists, Correct understanding of who He is/what He is like, Knowledge that your life is in accordance with His will
"Let us here observe that three things are necessary for any rational and intelligent being to exercise faith in God unto life and salvation. First, the idea that he actually exists; Secondly, a correct idea of his character, perfections, and attributes; Thirdly, an actual knowledge that the course of life which one is pursuing is according to His will."

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Humanitarian ideas! Add this site to your favorites!

In think a lot of us wonder what exactly we can do to help others.  I love the easy ideas on this website:

I'm excited to use some of these with the local club I'm in charge of and with my kids!

Great local, national, or international humanitarian ideas!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The Atonement Video

I was inspired to make a video about the Atonement.  I have a close friend who doesn't understand it and I just wish they could see into my mind and view it how I do.  This doesn't come close to doing it justice.

Thanks also to my friend who wrote the poem.  Hope you're okay with my sharing it on here.  I love it.