Sunday, June 23, 2013

Family History- Where do I start?

In Stake Conference today I learned the best way to determine what work needs done in your personal family history.  Hopefully you already know this trick, if not, let me share it with you!!

  • Set up a family search account at  You can also use an LDS log-in to access family search.  
  • Go to, log in, and then look for a missing line.  If there is not a name in each place, there is work needing done and people needing found.  
  • Then you can go back to family search and enter what information you have for deceased ancestors.  Unfortunately, you have to fill in info for the living to get the line to open up for the deceased.  

People are working on creating an index of records, which will allow you to place individuals to a family or a time.  This works just like an index in a yearbook, allowing you to search for the name of your ancestor and see if there are any records available.  If there are, you can click and it will open the page where their name is mentioned.

IF there isn't much work needing done, you can also add photos, stories, and other personal information about relatives, making them a real person for yourself and your posterity.  There are no photos or stories for any of my ancestors on there yet, so I have a lot I can do.

The Lord is interested in this work and He will help you.  Angels are on the earth helping with this work continually.  

If you have any questions about family history or what you can do, feel free to ask.  I can at least find out for you or point you in the right direction.

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