Sunday, February 8, 2015

Gospel Principles for Kids Lesson 7: The Holy Ghost

The Holy Ghost

I asked one of my kids to share the first article of faith which she recently learned to start us off.  We then discussed this section from the manual:

Attributes of the Holy Ghost

• How does the Holy Ghost differ from the Father and the Son? Why is that difference important to us?

The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead. He is a “personage of Spirit”. He can be in only one place at a time, but His influence can be everywhere at the same time.

Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost are called the Godhead. They are unified in purpose. Each has an important assignment in the plan of salvation. Our Heavenly Father is our Father and ruler. Jesus Christ is our Savior. The Holy Ghost is the revealer and testifier of all truth.

The Holy Ghost is our Heavenly Father’s messenger and is a special gift to us.

The Mission of the Holy Ghost

The mission of the Holy Ghost is to bear witness of the Father and the Son and of the truth of all things.

I got most of my ideas from a year of fhe.  I like this poster and the way she illustrates the three things.

1. For "Comforts Us" we used the example from A Year of FHE.  I asked my girls what we do to comfort them and we get my daughter's blanket and stuffed animal and give her hugs and hold her.  The Holy Ghost helps us feel better inside, warm, peaceful, safe, etc.

2. For "Guides Us" we read this story from the friend about President Harold B Lee when he was a boy.  I felt the spirit both times I read this story and was glad I shared it.  I also shared a story from this link that is a great reference for this lesson, especially if you have older kids!!  You can talk about all the roles of the Holy Ghost instead of summarizing it with just 3.

3. For "Testifies of Truth" I used the example from A Year of FHE, but used hot chocolate under a fabric napkin.  I let my kids smell it and feel the warmth of the cup and told them what was under there.  I then explained that the hot chocolate is like Heavenly Father or Jesus and I am like the Holy Ghost.  Not very many people have seen them with their own eyes but we can know they are real just like they can trust me when I testify that I am holding hot chocolate.

Then again from the manual, the Holy Ghost will witness to us that Jesus is our Savior and Redeemer. He will reveal to us that our Heavenly Father is the Father of our spirits. He will help us understand that we can become exalted like our Heavenly Father.  The prophets of the Lord have promised, “By the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things”.

• What are some of the truths that the Holy Ghost reveals to us?

I then bore my testimony and talked about how I know the things in my testimony are true personally because of the witness of the Holy Ghost.

Then we watched this video.  My girls don't know this song yet, so it worked well to introduce it here.

There is a series by the Mormon Channel called Power of the Holy Spirit with 5 segments.  This one is about how the Holy Ghost feels or communicates with different people.  I love the quotes from apostles that are mixed in.

Further reading on helping your children feel and recognize the Holy Ghost individually:

Quoted material, titles and headings come from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gospel Principles manual unless otherwise noted. Click here for the full lesson.

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