Thursday, March 30, 2017

What Prayer Can't Do and how it relates to Disney's Aladdin FHE

The Genie in Aladdin is ALL POWERFUL. He can control the universe. 
But there are a few things he WILL NOT do.

Just like the Genie who is not real, we have an ALL-POWERFUL God, our Father, who can do all things! But there are a few things he will not do. Consider the talk by President Uchdorf "Fourth Floor, Last Door." He says:

Faith is powerful, and often it does result in miracles. But no matter how much faith we have, there are two things faith cannot do. For one, it cannot violate another person’s agency.

The second thing faith cannot do is force our will upon God. We cannot force God to comply with our desires—no matter how right we think we are or how sincerely we pray. 

We discussed these two things and then some examples of prayers he could answer and prayers he couldn't/wouldn't and why. And in closing our Family Night from the same talk:

Faith means that we trust not only in God’s wisdom but that we trust also in His love. It means trusting that God loves us perfectly, that everything He does—every blessing He gives and every blessing He, for a time, withholds—is for our eternal happiness.

With this kind of faith, though we may not understand why certain things happen or why certain prayers go unanswered, we can know that in the end everything will make sense. “All things [will] work together for good to them that love God.”

All will be made right. All will be well.

We can be certain that answers will come, and we may be confident that we will not only be content with the answers but we will also be overwhelmed by the grace, mercy, generosity, and love of our Heavenly Father for us, His children.

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