Saturday, May 11, 2013


I discovered today that that books are my best friends.  It's a little sad to discover and sounds like a lonely world I'm in.  I'd rather go to the library by myself and brose for new books than most anywhere else.  I'd also prefer an evening of reading a good book to almost anything.  I definitely need balance in my life and enjoy several other things, but I start to get fidgety without a book on hand that I want to read. 

I truly feel a loss when I finish a book I really like.  I used to always be in the midst of multiple books all at once to prolong the inevitable finish or to have something else to fall back on when I just can't put off devouring a good book.  Now I'm a mom, so with less reading time, I limit myself to one. 

If you read this, feel free to recommend a good book. 

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