Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I will follow Him

I am grateful for the things that inspire.  I am grateful for things that remind me of why I am here and what my purpose is.  I just watched an inspiring and sad movie that reminded me of the things that are most important to me.  I want to follow my Savior and be able to lift others in meaningful ways. 

I know what I need to do and it starts by once again humbling myself and asking the Lord if He will kindly step back in front for a while until I get good enough at following Him to where, maybe someday I can walk beside Him again.  To walk beside the Savior, you have to have followed Him consistently enough to know where and how He will step, what stops He will make, what detours He would take, and where your path is headed.  You have to know what things He would walk around and what things He would walk into.  You have to have courage to always stand for what is right. 

To follow Him, you have to learn of Him and practice doing what He would do and saying what He would say until you have it down enough that you rarely stumble and have to find your way back.  So, that's where you'll find me.  What does Jesus do?


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