Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Asande House Sponsorship

In light of "giving Tuesday" I want to share our families' experience of giving over the past year and highlight how it has blessed and benefited us.  

A little over a year ago Kaiizen took on a new project in Africa.  There was an orphanage that was just scraping by thanks to Rosefina Royce, who was working 3 jobs in the US to support the 32 kids and caretaker's family.  We decided to join in on the project and sponsored one of the children this past year.  We've exchanged letters and followed them on the internet.  

One of the main reasons I chose to do this was so my own girls could see how blessed they are and learn of a different way of life living--simply but happily.  My 4-year-old has come to know Faith and has had a glimpse into her world and I think she has been forever benefited from it.  

I really liked that this isn't one of those heart-breaking orphanages where they keep the kids in cribs or the kids don't get love and attention!  They are kept in a positive, faith-filled, loving environment.  The kids seem happy.  They have dreams.  They are receiving an education.  

Our future is a little uncertain so we didn't feel like we could commit to another year just now.  We will continue to support the cause in other ways.  It has been a great experience for us!  Read her sweet response after I told her she has a new sponsor for the upcoming year.  You better believe I'll be keeping in touch with this girl!  :) 

Click here to watch a short video of Asande House.

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