Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Gospel Principles for Kids Lesson 3: Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior

Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior

A Savior and Leader Was Needed
Review- Why did we need to leave Heavenly Father’s presence? Why do we need a Savior?

For this lesson I put a bunch of pictures of Christ out on our rug and had everyone choose a few. (If you don't have pictures, you can find some beautiful ones on google images here or on We then talked about what we know about Jesus and what the pictures show us about him. 

We then contrasted that with what we know about Satan.  

Jesus and Satan both volunteered, Jesus in agreement with God's plan and Satan presenting a different plan.  

FYI, in case there are BIG questions, in a talk entitled The Great Imitator, James E Faust taught that Satan wanted to mount an insurrection to supplant even God the Father. He thought he knew better than God and said basically "I will save your children if you will step aside."

Jesus Christ Became Our Chosen Leader and Savior
After hearing both sons speak, Heavenly Father said, “I will send the first”.  

I also like what is added by Moses 4:2 "But, behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever."

The War in Heaven
Because our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior, Satan became angry and rebelled. There was war in heaven. Satan and his followers fought against Jesus Christ and His followers.

Moses 4:3-4 "Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down; And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice."

We Have the Savior’s Teachings to Follow
In our premortal life, we chose to follow Jesus Christ and accept God’s plan. We must continue to follow Jesus Christ here on earth. Only by following Him can we return to our heavenly home.

In what ways can we follow Christ?

I think this is a beautiful way to end followed by your testimony of Christ.  Be warned though that it covers his whole life and shows the marks on his back, the crucifixion, etc.

Quoted material, titles and headings come from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gospel Principles manual unless otherwise noted. Click here for the full lesson.

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