Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gospel Principles for Kids Lesson 2: Our Heavenly Family

Our Heavenly Family

We Are Children of Our Heavenly Father
Review that Heavenly Father is a dad to us all.  Everyone on earth is a child of our Heavenly Parents.  We are all spirit brothers and sisters.  

We Developed Personalities and Talents While We Lived in Heaven
We were personally taught and trained by our Heavenly Parents.  We grew up as children do in their presence.  We grew up to spiritual maturity.  We are all unique as siblings on earth are unique having their own talents and abilities.  When we had learned what we could learn while being in their presence, they presented the next step in our progression.

Our Heavenly Father Presented a Plan for Us to Become Like Him
"Our Heavenly Father knew we could not progress beyond a certain point unless we left Him for a time.  He wanted us to develop the godlike qualities that He has.  To do this, we needed to leave our premortal home to be tested and to gain experience."

We wanted to be like our Heavenly Parents.  We were different in lots of ways.  

I found pictures to help demonstrate these things and just discussed them using the pictures.  

 These pictures are pulled from  This is what is said about the use of their pictures, fyi- "you may post material from this site to another website or on a computer network for personal, church-related, noncommercial use unless otherwise indicated."

To become like Him, we needed to come to earth.  We also needed a Savior--someone who could help us be forgiven for the mistakes we would make and allow us to be redeemed from both physical and spiritual death.  "We learned that if we placed our faith in Him, obeying His word and following His example, we would be exalted and become like our Heavenly Father.  We would receive a fulness of joy."

Here is a supplemental video of I Lived in Heaven.  To stick to the material presented in the lesson watch only the first half.

Lesson Rating: Well received.  So glad my kids can begin to understand these abstract/difficult topics!

Quoted material, titles and headings come from the Gospel Principles manual published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Click here for the full lesson.

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