Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Gospel Principles for Kids Lesson 4: Freedom to Choose

Freedom to Choose

Agency Is an Eternal Principle

God has told us through His prophets that we are free to choose between good and evil. We may choose liberty and eternal life by following Jesus Christ. We are also free to choose captivity and death by following Satan. The right to choose between good and evil and to act for ourselves is called agency.

Agency Is a Necessary Part of the Plan of Salvation

When we choose to live according to God’s plan for us, our agency is strengthened. Right choices increase our power to make more right choices.

We began to make choices as spirit children in our Heavenly Father’s presence. Our choices there made us worthy to come to earth. If we keep His commandments and make right choices, we will learn and understand. We will become like Him. 

This is the angle I took with my young children:
Heavenly Father wants us to make good choices and so he has given us some guides.
I drew a simple drawing of paths going off in different directions and had the girls choose a guide to help them choose the correct path.  Each path had something bad or something good such as 
a. There is a scary alligator that chases you or b. You see a good friend.
a. There is a dark forest and get lost or b. You see the temple.  
a. There are mean kids who throw things at you or b. You see your family in your yard.

A friend of mine asks her kids who is smiling right now after they make a choice, is it Satan or Jesus?  This is an easy measure for whether we've made a good choice or bad.

This video shows that when confronted with a choice, we can make good decisions and help others do the same.

For older kids, I like this video too.

Quoted material, titles and headings come from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gospel Principles manual unless otherwise noted. Click here for the full lesson.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Gospel Principles for Kids Lesson 3: Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior

Jesus Christ, Our Chosen Leader and Savior

A Savior and Leader Was Needed
Review- Why did we need to leave Heavenly Father’s presence? Why do we need a Savior?

For this lesson I put a bunch of pictures of Christ out on our rug and had everyone choose a few. (If you don't have pictures, you can find some beautiful ones on google images here or on We then talked about what we know about Jesus and what the pictures show us about him. 

We then contrasted that with what we know about Satan.  

Jesus and Satan both volunteered, Jesus in agreement with God's plan and Satan presenting a different plan.  

FYI, in case there are BIG questions, in a talk entitled The Great Imitator, James E Faust taught that Satan wanted to mount an insurrection to supplant even God the Father. He thought he knew better than God and said basically "I will save your children if you will step aside."

Jesus Christ Became Our Chosen Leader and Savior
After hearing both sons speak, Heavenly Father said, “I will send the first”.  

I also like what is added by Moses 4:2 "But, behold, my Beloved Son, which was my Beloved and Chosen from the beginning, said unto me—Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever."

The War in Heaven
Because our Heavenly Father chose Jesus Christ to be our Savior, Satan became angry and rebelled. There was war in heaven. Satan and his followers fought against Jesus Christ and His followers.

Moses 4:3-4 "Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him, and also, that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten, I caused that he should be cast down; And he became Satan, yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice."

We Have the Savior’s Teachings to Follow
In our premortal life, we chose to follow Jesus Christ and accept God’s plan. We must continue to follow Jesus Christ here on earth. Only by following Him can we return to our heavenly home.

In what ways can we follow Christ?

I think this is a beautiful way to end followed by your testimony of Christ.  Be warned though that it covers his whole life and shows the marks on his back, the crucifixion, etc.

Quoted material, titles and headings come from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Gospel Principles manual unless otherwise noted. Click here for the full lesson.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Biggest News Since the Resurrection of Jesus Christ!

God has again called prophets and has revealed another testament of Jesus Christ, called the Book of Mormon.  This is the biggest news since the resurrection of Jesus Christ!  He is a living God who is still involved in our lives today!  Love this video:

The Book of Mormon is for the scholarly and the uneducated, the rich and the poor, the hopeful and the demotivated.  This book is for those who want to see a change in themselves and a change in the world.  This book is for all of us.  It is another testament of Jesus Christ!

Request your free copy here.
Christ visits the Americas after his resurrection.

Christ gathered the children, blessed them, and they felt his love for them.

We can all feel of that love today!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Gospel Principles for Kids Lesson 2: Our Heavenly Family

Our Heavenly Family

We Are Children of Our Heavenly Father
Review that Heavenly Father is a dad to us all.  Everyone on earth is a child of our Heavenly Parents.  We are all spirit brothers and sisters.  

We Developed Personalities and Talents While We Lived in Heaven
We were personally taught and trained by our Heavenly Parents.  We grew up as children do in their presence.  We grew up to spiritual maturity.  We are all unique as siblings on earth are unique having their own talents and abilities.  When we had learned what we could learn while being in their presence, they presented the next step in our progression.

Our Heavenly Father Presented a Plan for Us to Become Like Him
"Our Heavenly Father knew we could not progress beyond a certain point unless we left Him for a time.  He wanted us to develop the godlike qualities that He has.  To do this, we needed to leave our premortal home to be tested and to gain experience."

We wanted to be like our Heavenly Parents.  We were different in lots of ways.  

I found pictures to help demonstrate these things and just discussed them using the pictures.  

 These pictures are pulled from  This is what is said about the use of their pictures, fyi- "you may post material from this site to another website or on a computer network for personal, church-related, noncommercial use unless otherwise indicated."

To become like Him, we needed to come to earth.  We also needed a Savior--someone who could help us be forgiven for the mistakes we would make and allow us to be redeemed from both physical and spiritual death.  "We learned that if we placed our faith in Him, obeying His word and following His example, we would be exalted and become like our Heavenly Father.  We would receive a fulness of joy."

Here is a supplemental video of I Lived in Heaven.  To stick to the material presented in the lesson watch only the first half.

Lesson Rating: Well received.  So glad my kids can begin to understand these abstract/difficult topics!

Quoted material, titles and headings come from the Gospel Principles manual published by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.  Click here for the full lesson.