Monday, June 6, 2022

We Have Been Called By God

God has chosen us as a people to share the good news of the Gospel with the world. What else do we have to share? Will they see us as distinct and different in happy ways? Can we be part of those who save–within our own families and beyond? People are literally dying out there right now. Hope is frail. It needs fuel. It needs you. 

Three years ago I felt called back to work to help those who are struggling yet STRUGGLING to find help. I heard the waitlist to get into the church’s Family Services at the time where I was living was 9-months- long. I KNEW that those people had already been struggling for MONTHS to finally have had the courage to reach out for help or to be finally noticed as needing help. It felt like sudden unrest or discontent with doing the same things- like my time for playgroups was over. I could not enjoy them in the same way suddenly. And feeling unrest with not using my degree when people needed my help. I had felt peace with that for years and then it was gone.

This is happening everywhere right now. Our young people especially are struggling. Now I am feeling a need to shift more from counseling to coaching so I can reach more people without the big financial burden of one-on-one mental health counseling. This has felt like a silent pull and consistent ideas- it's frequently what occupies my idle thoughts. I can't turn from it because it's always before me in some way. I’m comforted by the prospect of being able to help more people faster, but I also realized it does not take a Mental Health Professional to support these people! YOU can learn the tools that will help your family, your friends, your stewardship within the church, and beyond into your communities. You can learn the tools that will also help YOU.

So how can we be an influence for good when we struggle day after day within our own families or sometimes within our own head or heart? I recently heard that the Lord loves effort. With each of us making small daily efforts, the compounding effect is huge!

We are all needed. We have been chosen to bless all the families of the Earth. We can be a happy people. We can be gentle, and long-suffering. We can look forward with faith and optimism knowing the Lord is on our side and he will consecrate our afflictions for our good and it will all work out according to his great and merciful plan. We can do this! We need YOU to be strong and we need ME to be strong. We need to ALL work on becoming stronger together.

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